Prayer That Gets Results

Unlock Prayer Results with the Roar of Zion

Prayer That Gets Results

Are you ready to discover the new apostolic revolution? The roar of Zion is ready to help equip you to be a revolutionary agent of change. Get ready to unlock prayer results in your life and be a part of the greatest awakening the church has ever seen.

Prayer for the Sick and The 9 Steps That Work

Healing Prayer for the Sick That Helps

Prayer for the Sick and The 9 Steps That Work Healing prayer for the sick that works starts with understanding the will of God. Jesus is no respecter of persons, and if He ever healed anyone, He will heal you too. Get prayer for the sick scriptures, prayers and words to help in your battle for physical healingHealing prayer for the sick that works starts with knowing the will of God. He says, "I am the God that healeth thee" (Exodus 15:26). Jesus is no respecter of persons. If he ever healed anyone (and he has), he will heal you too. God knows what you need. He said, "If thou can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth" (Mark 9:23).

Prayer Time And The Secret Place Of Answered Prayer

How to Hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit More Clearly

Prayer Time And The Secret Place Of Answered PrayerDiscover the Power of Prayer and Abide in the Shadow of the Almighty You want to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit so bad, but sometimes it feels like he is nowhere to be found. I know the feeling. You are faithful, attend church, worship, tithe, and still nothing. It is like God's on vacation. "What's going on?" you ask. "What can I do to hear God more clearly?"

Trusting God When You Can't Hear Him

Seeking God in Times of Trouble

Trusting God When You Can't Hear HimThe Holy Spirit can lead you during difficult times. Even if you don't hear God's voice, trust that He is watching over you and will direct your steps. Seek God through prayer and persevere in doing the right thing. In time, you will see God's will unfold in your life.

Answered Prayers, John's Secret

The Secret to Answered Prayer

Answered Prayers, John's SecretUncover the secret to getting your prayers answered and learn how to come boldly into God's presence with worship and adoration. Many want to know how to get their prayers answered. Perhaps you have struggled with that. You pray and pray, but it seems nothing happens. When you do not receive an answer, you become frustrated and disheartened. Then the enemy torments your mind with all sorts of vain imaginations. I have good news for you; God does answer prayer. You just need to learn some more about Him.

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27 W Hallandale Bch Blvd. Hallandale, Fla 33009
Mon-Thursday from 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: +1 954-456-4420
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