Freedom Of Choice - Choosing Liberty Over Slavery

Freedom Of Choice - Choosing Liberty Over Slavery

Freedom Of Choice - Choosing Liberty Over Slavery

Freedom of choice is a gift given through sacrifice. Liberty can only be experienced by those that know where it comes from. When a nation, any nation turns its back on God freedom is painfully lost. Staying free requires resistance. You can choose to live free or choose to live in bonds.

Playing God And The Quest For Power

Playing God And The Quest For Power

Playing God And The Quest For Power

Man likes playing God. His quest for power leads him into rebellion, corruption, and every evil thing. Scripture declares, “For you shall be as gods knowing (determining for yourself) good and evil.” Because man wants to be a god, determining good and evil for themselves, lawlessness in society increases as the God-man rebels against the “rule of law.”

What The Bible Says About Gossip And Vain Imaginations

What Does The Bible Say About Gossip And Vain ImaginationsGossip is hurtful and destroys friendships. Your enemy is a crafty foe. He uses gossip to entertain and release offenses. Confusing imaginations can lead to shadowed thinking and unsure living.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit And The Benefits

Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Benefits and Wisdom for the Christian Life

Discover the benefits of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit can be used to impart spiritual wisdom and revelation. Christ told his revolutionary followers after His resurrection “they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father... For John truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence” (Acts 1:4-5).Baptism of the Holy Spirit And The Benefits

The Fear of the Lord: Unlocking Miracles, Signs, Wonders, and Kingdom Authority

Miracles, signs, and wonders. Jesus knew it would take the baptism of the Holy Ghost to advance a Church that the gates of hell could not prevail against. After his resurrection, he told his disciples “they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father…. For John truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence” (Acts 1:4-5). That “promise of the Father” was the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the spirit of power and might.

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27 W Hallandale Bch Blvd. Hallandale, Fla 33009
Mon-Thursday from 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: +1 954-456-4420
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