Dark Forces Creating A New America

Dark Forces Creating A New America

Dark Forces Creating A New AmericaDark forces are creating a new America. It’s an America very different than our Founding Fathers dreamed and penned. It’s an America governed by another spirit. Some think of a coming revolution but could it be the revolution has already taken place? Could it be possible that we are at the conclusion of the revolution and the end of the American Republic we so love? Can we dare think the inconceivable? Are we about to see the unveiling of a new America?

Commanding Heights - Regaining The High Places

Occupying the Commanding Heights: A Study of Spiritual Warfare in High Places

Commanding Heights - Regaining The High PlacesCommanding heights overlooking the battlefield was vital to winning when cannons were the main arms. As a military strategy, high places offered an advantage. Apostle Paul spoke of spiritual warfare against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world and wickedness in high places.

Socialism's Utopian Illusion

Socialism's Utopian Illusion

Socialism's Utopian IllusionSocialism's utopian illusion is sweeping our Western culture. Will socialism destroy the America we have all known? We have heard much about the rise of socialism in our nation. Does socialism affect you? Will it change your life, family, children, work or future? What is socialism? Is socialism an evil thing? Does socialism affect the Church? Should Christians be concerned?

Fifth Column - America's Saboteurs

America's Saboteurs The Fifth Column: Fighting from Within

Fifth Column - America's SaboteursFifth column is a group of unknown insurgents who hate God, nation, and Christian culture, fighting from within a nation while aiding foreign invaders. Oftentimes people email me notes saying that we should just pray. I certainly believe in prayer, but prayer alone will not stop the battle to destroy our nation. As Christian Americans, we must engage the enemy of our souls both spiritually and naturally. The truth is that our nation is in serious trouble and the battle against a demonic fifth column within our country can no longer be ignored. Daniel Webster (1782-1856) warned,

National Debt Causes Destruction Of United States

National Debt Causes Bad Things To Happen

 National Debt Causes Destruction Of United StatesNational debt causes bad things to happen. Debt is the slave’s chains whether they bind the individual or the nation. Once the most prosperous nation in the world, we have become one of the most enslaved.

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Mon-Thursday from 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: +1 954-456-4420
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