Understanding Deliverance Ministry from a Biblical Perspective

Deliverance ministry is an important part of the Christian church. Scripture speaks to a need that the body of believers has for deliverance ministry. Deliverance ministry can be defined as "a Christian practice that seeks to drive out or heal a person of any evil spiritual influences or oppressions."

It seems to rely on a combination of prayer, counseling, intercession, and often some sort of spiritual warfare. It also requires the leading and ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Bible makes numerous references to the need for deliverance ministry.

Objectives for this ministry include healing from spiritual oppression, breaking generational sin patterns, releasing loved ones from demonic bondage, and casting out the enemy’s strongholds.

All these endeavors can be found throughout the Bible and are sometimes referred to as the "Armor of God". In the New Testament, for example, Ephesians 6 describes the spiritual battle that takes place and how we can win this battle with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The primary permission and purpose of delivered ministry are found in Jesus’ own words in the Gospels. In Matthew 10:6–8, Jesus instructs his apostles to "Cast out devils" and to "heal the sick."

In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 5, Jesus rebuked an unclean spirit by saying, "Come out of the man." Here Jesus not only demonstrates the ministry of deliverance but also exhibits his authority over the demonic realm. Jesus sends out his disciples for deliverance ministry in several other instances as well.

We are told in Luke 9:1–2 that "he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." In Luke 10:1–17, we read of the Seventy sent out to preach repentance, heal sickness, and cast out the forces of the enemy as well.

The importance of deliverance ministry is further seen in the instructions of Jesus found in the book of Revelation. He warns us in Revelation 12:12 that "woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea; for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath a short time."

In other words, he is making it clear to us that as the time of his return draws near, the effects of the devil will become more evident. In conclusion, deliverance ministry is an important part of the Christian church, as commanded by Jesus himself.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit and relying upon the armor of God and the spiritual authority of the believer, we can conquer spiritual strongholds and set ourselves and others free from the bondage of Satan.

Through casting out demons, healing the sick, and breaking generational sins, we can bring glory to God and manifest His kingdom on Earth. It is a worthwhile endeavor and one that is essential to the body of Christ.


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(c) Apostle Jonas Clark


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