What is an Apostolic Prophetic Church and Their Beliefs?

What is an Apostolic Prophetic Church and Their BeliefsAn Apostolic-Prophetic Church is a type of Christian church that focuses on the teachings of the apostles and prophets within the Bible. This type of church believes that the New Testament model of church government should be followed and that the apostles and prophets were divinely appointed by God and given authority to lead the church.

The Apostolic-Prophetic Church follows the teachings of the apostles and prophets as they are laid out in the Bible, including the belief that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. The Apostolic-Prophetic Church places a strong emphasis on the authority of the Bible, as well as the teachings of the apostles and prophets. They believe that the Bible is the only source of absolute truth and is the Word of God.

It is believed that the apostles and prophets were set apart by God to lead the church and provide divine guidance to the body of believers. This type of church follows the New Testament model of church government, which includes apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

Apostolic-Prophetic churches believe in the Trinitythat God is one God in three Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). They believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, that He was crucified and resurrected, and that He is the only way to salvation.

They believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person of the Godhead who indwells believers. Apostolic-Prophetic churches have a strong emphasis on the spiritual gifts, including the office of apostle and prophet. They believe that these spiritual gifts are for the purpose of equipping believers to do the work of the ministry.

The church believes that the gifts of prophecy and tongues are still active today, and that they are to be used for edification and building up of the church. Apostolic-Prophetic churches emphasize the importance of prayer and spiritual warfare.

They believe that prayer and spiritual warfare are essential to the health and growth of the church. They also believe that the church should actively engage in spiritual warfare against the forces of evil in the world. Apostolic-Prophetic churches emphasize the importance of the local church.

The local church is believed to be the primary place of fellowship and worship. They believe that the church is the primary place where the Word of God is taught and where believers can grow in their faith. The local church is also seen as an important part of outreach and evangelism, as it is believed that the church should be a light to the world, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.

Finally, Apostolic-Prophetic churches place a strong emphasis on holiness and purity. They believe that believers should strive to live holy and pure lives, which reflect the holiness of God. They also believe that believers should be separate from the world and its ways. These churches also emphasize the importance of the family, and believe that families should be strengthened and nurtured.


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