Beware The Fool

Wise Men Speak and Fools Prate: Understanding the Bible's Teaching on Fools

Beware The Fool 1Along life's journey, you will meet many fools. The fool lacks sound reasoning and good judgment. The fool talks too much. They have no interest in understanding. They only want to air their own opinions. The fool lacks discernment and tact. The Bible speaks of fools. Here are a few examples.


The Power of Believing Prayer: Learn to Pray in Faith and Receive God’s Blessings

THE PRAYER OF FAITH 1Praying and believing are two different things. The Bible says this, “What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24). From this scripture, you learn that it's possible to pray without believing. We call that a waste of time. It's religious praying, a form of godliness, and a dead religious activity. Don't do it.


Christianity: Living Out the Values of Faith


In the world today, it is not uncommon to find people who attach themselves to the label of "Christian" but have no visible evidence of living a lifestyle of faith. To be true Christians and disciples of Christ, it is important to display a lifestyle of faith and values that reflect the Word of God, and not rely solely on labels.

Flip Flopping Saints

Steadfast Faith: Overcoming the Temptation to Flip-Flop

Flip Flopping Saints 1Some people wear flip-flops. Flip-flops are commonly known as sandals without a heel having a strap between the toes. They have been worn for centuries. Interestingly, these modified sandals are used to protect your feet when walking. Some Christians manifest a different kind of flip-flop. It's a flip-flopping lifestyle. These are called flip-flopping saints.

Power To Witness

Empowered by the Holy Spirit: Discovering the Ability to Witness

Power To Witness 304After Christ’s resurrection, He met with His Disciples for forty days teaching about the kingdom of God. He told them not to go into the world until they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He said they would receive power to witness in all the world “after” the Holy Spirit had come on them (Acts 1:8). This is significant. Jesus knew what it would take to build a Church the gates of hell could not prevail against.


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Mon-Thursday from 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: +1 954-456-4420
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