You are God's creation, his workmanship. To understand your purpose, journey back to the beginning when God breathed life (not air) into Adam and formed Eve from his side. Standing side by side God blessed them and gave them purpose. He said be fruitful, multiply, increase, subdue, and take dominion. This is the great beginning, it's how it all started: garden, creation, identity, and purpose.n
Today mankind struggles with purpose. They are on a great search for identity. The carnal man is hopelessly locked into a system of selfish ambition. With them life is about the pursuit of carnal passion, flesh, flesh, and flesh, With the disciples of Christ, it's very different. The born-again believer is on a different track, it's the path toward life in the Spirit. The Bible says the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17). That kind of life we call the God kind of life. As your designer, He is the one that called you out of that hopeless place of spiritual darkness and translated you into his marvelous light.
For you, the search for purpose is found within your relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is the one tasked with leading you and guiding you into truth. Even the truth of your purpose and high calling. It is the Holy Spirit that reveals, imparts, calls you into significance, and provides direction. You are important to God. As already mentioned, you are his workmanship. Scripture says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
You were raised in an unbiblical Babylonian' structure. That structure teaches to get a good education, find a good job, and keep up with the Jones's. It might give you a job but never seeks true purpose in life. As a disciple of Christ, however, you are a citizen of a different kingdom, the Kingdom of God. The Babylonian world is what we call the dog-eat-dog world of unhealthy humanistic and carnal pursuits. In this system, you climb the ladder of competition with others with a goal of fame, money, and wealth. The Kingdom of God is quite different. It's about calling and purpose without the evil effects of selfish competition. Within the Kingdom of God, moreover, everyone matters, everyone is important, and everyone can make a difference with their lives.
The difference between the humanistic structure of life and the Kingdom of God deals with your part in life. This points to understanding your purpose, role in life, and ministry. When you focus on pursuing your role and educating yourself in that role you come out of the dog-eat-dog environment. As said before, the pattern for finding purpose is in God's original calling of Adam and Eve. God said, Be fruitful, multiply, increase, subdue, and take dominion. These are God's five expectations of you. This is your purpose.
© Your partner,
Apostle Jonas Clark