Gain insight and practical strategies to protect yourself from the power of spiritual witchcraft and break free from its control. What is witchcraft? Spiritual witchcraft is a demonic power released through various activities such as words, curses, spells, amulets, charms, occult powers, chants, magic, drugs, potions, or directive prophecies.
Witchcraft is far more than meeting in a forest worshiping Mother Earth and hugging pine trees. Witchcraft is the power of Satan. Its weapons are emotional manipulation, spiritual and religious control, isolation, soul ties, fear, confusion, loss of personal identity, sickness, depression and prophetic divination.
Those caught in the snare of spiritual witchcraft spirit struggle throughout their Christian lives to remain stable. Every Christian should learn to discern the weapons of witchcraft and be equipped with practical strategies to overcome it.
- Different forms of spiritual witchcraft that battle your mind.
- How religion and the flesh can release witchcraft.
- How to safeguard yourself from witchcraft's influence.
- How to discern Christian witchcraft attacks.
- The fastest way to overcome witchcraft.
- How to recognize the six early warning signs of a witchcraft attack.
- How to break free from witchcraft's confusion and distractions.
- How to overcome witchcraft's assignment to destroy your identity.
- How to rise up against feelings of wanting to give up.
- How to know if you have a generational curse on your life.
- How to disarm the controlling soul ties.
- How to avoid the four most common mistakes of witchcraft victims.
- And much more!
E-Kit Includes 3 pdf books and over 12 hours of audio teachings.
Exposing Spiritual Witchcraft
Breaking Christian Witchcraft
How Witchcraft Spirits Attack
3 MP3 ALBUMS ( 12 MP3s )
MP3-1 Breaking Witchcraft's Power
MP3-2 Confronting Demon Powers
MP3-3 Principalities, Powers, and Teaching Spirits
MP3-4 Pulling Down Strongholds
MP3-1 Hallmarks of Witchcraft
MP3-2 Road To Witchcraft's Deception
MP3-3 Witchcraft and Imaginations
MP3-4 Witchcrafts Dark Influence
MP3-1 Destroying Satan’s Works
MP3-2 Direct Demonic Confrontation
MP3-3 Overcoming Spiritual Attacks
MP3-4 Three Levels of Spiritual Warfare
Overcoming Spiritual Witchcraft - Value Kit
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