Discover the shocking truth behind the Federal Reserve System with "The Creature of Jekyll Island." A must-read for Christians to navigate finance and faith.
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Discover the shocking truth behind the Federal Reserve System with "The Creature of Jekyll Island." A must-read for Christians to navigate finance and faith.
Communism and socialism are two ideologies that go against biblical teachings and are opposed by Christians. While they both aim to address issues of inequality, their methods contradict fundamental principles of the Christian faith.
The Bible is full of stories and teachings about God and his love for us, but it also talks about another important aspect of our world: the spiritual realm. In this realm, there is a constant battle between the forces of good and evil.
Mere Christianity is a timeless classic by renowned author and theologian C.S. Lewis. Originally delivered as a series of talks during World War II, this book is a powerful work that presents the basic principles of Christianity in a clear and compelling way. It has become one of the most widely read and beloved books of Christian literature, and its insights remain relevant and applicable to believers today.
Learning to follow God's word rather than your emotions could be one of your greatest challenges as a Christian. In a world that constantly bombards you with messages of self-fulfillment and “following your heart," it can be challenging to discern between what is true and what is simply driven by your emotions.